The vision

12×12 wants for People create a place where each individual has their individual skills can live and himself and his Ideas and Projects realize can. As soon as the human being vibrates in his center, forces are combined and potentiated. When man lives in lack, he cannot reach his highest potential. Together we create a foundation on which people can build and realize their vision in an environment where all basic needs such as food, clothing, sleeping and housing, and more are available.

The open houses represent a balancing act in our current world situation. The open house offers a place to live where people can live out their abilities and visions. People come together here to live for a better world, to create new things and to potentiate energies together.

With the Crowdfunding of 12×12 promote Volunteers the awareness raising and Space development
for a common Works.

Living space for a creative unfolding the individual skills the human
Meeting room for workshops, movement, dance, yoga, music, seminars and other events

Repair Café where we repair a delicious drink instead of throwing it away
Co-creative space for workshops, artist studios, work spaces, creating together
Exchange and travel network between the individual open houses and communities
cooperation with existing projects and communities
national and international Networking between communities
creativity is through the open workshops and Open Labs promoted. This awakens the potential of every person in order to operate and promote a regional economy. A sustainable flow is thus created to secure livelihoods and reinvest in new materials, workshops, living space and in the people themselves.

Green skills and green building are promoted. Permaculture gardens and aquaponics systems should be built.


People should be motivated free from sensitivities to act, that is, self moves based on inner motivation. The creation of new things arises from within oneself, united with the strengths of other people. With a common Goal and trust in one's own abilities and those of others, forces are channeled and potentiated.

People who live independently and are committed are invited to contribute their skills to the “Open House” project. Everyone can get involved with what they like to do. In this project we can actively participate in the design process for a new way of working together and further develop and develop our skills.


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